Our Brands

The Green House

Inspired by ingredients found throughout Aotearoa’s beautiful landscape, the green house range of living products is gentler on you, your home and the environment. Our highly effective, plant-based products smell wonderful and are a great alternative to other brands with harsher chemicals.

Happy Little Poppets

Developed in response to an enormous amount of requests from customers for baby care products, the Happy Little Poppets range consists of lovingly crafted skincare products for babies, toddlers and mothers. Formulated with the gentlest ingredients Mother Nature has to offer and scented with relaxing oils, this range takes perfect care of delicate new skin.


Our geoskincare range contains ingredients inspired by New Zealand’s geothermal regions, along with essential oils and pure extracts to improve overall skin health. 

The Organic House

The organic house is a range of living products that are gentler on you, your home and the environment. We use highly effective plant-based products inspired from Aotearoa’s beautiful landscape, providing you with healthier living solutions of exceptional quality.


ukiwi is a propolis oral care brand that uses powerful ingredients which are friendlier to your body, so you don't have to worry about ingesting anything which might harm your health. Our main three ingredients are nano-hydroxyapatite, bee propolis and xylitol. 

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